By default, Rackbank only binds your first IP. This is because there are different methods of applying your additional IPs that may require that they not be bound originally. Basic Here is the way of binding your additional IPs:...
Both Windows and Linux have the ability of diagnosing the health of a connection between a source and destination machine by also testing the communication status of the devices that make the connection possible. Windows uses tracert for this...
PING stands for Packet INternet Groper. This is a simple diagnostic tool implemented in both Windows and Linux that enables you the ability to test for basic communication between two network nodes within a LAN or across the WAN/Internet....
Instructions are only for CentOS / Fedora specifically. By default, Rackbank only binds your first primary IP. This is because there are different methods of applying your additional IPs that may require that they not be bound originally. Here...
Setting up an automatic logging script and reviewing its results can save your Dedicated server from constant memory problems and unreasoned CPU usage spikes. The given below sh script can be run every minute through cron to let you...
Phishing is the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. In this case we are speaking of Website forgery. What...
This entry briefly explains Spamvertising and what to do if you receive a complaint. What is Spamvertising? Spamvertising is the practice of sending E-mail spam, advertising a website. In this case, it is a portmanteau of the words “spam”...
If you’re getting this error when sending out email. Please check your email setting: Setting for Microsoft Outlook 1. Start from the Menu Bar, Click Tools then Click E-mail Accounts 2. Select “View or change existing e-mail accounts” then...

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